If you are desperately in need of cash, there are multiple ways you can get quick cash or instant personal loans. One of them is via Loan apps or borrow money apps that could give you quick cash within half an hour. However, how to choose loan apps that actually let you borrow money online without exaggerated high-interest rate is utterly important, that is to say you must choose these borrow money apps carefully in order to get quick cash with reasonable interest rate. In this article, we have collected some Loan apps we think are quite safe for borrow money and have reasonable interest rate for you.
Please note that we just collect information for those interest in personal loans and have no involvement in any lenders or money borrowing business at all.
Payday Loans Online – Borrow Money App for android user
This loan app will allow you to apply for short term loans online and get instant loan within a few hours. All you need to do is download Payday Loans app, subscribe and apply for a fresh cash based on the amount you desire. This money borrow app is perfect for those in need of emergency cash for medical or personal reason. The period of repayment for this loan apps is from 65 days to 2 years and Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for users with high credit score is roughly from 4.99% to 35.00% depend on amount of money you borrow.
Download Payday Loans Online for android
Quick Money – Payday Loan App for android user
Another payday loan app that would allow you to get cash instantly from app. Quick Money is a payday loan app with flexible payment terms and allow you to borrow money, quick loans, short-term loans and emergency installment loans within hours. All you need to do is apply for these payday loans via Quick Money app and you will be able to borrow quick cash with decent rates. Moreover, Quick money is quite reliable according to users’ reviews from Google Play Store. This is one of loan apps that will help you borrow cash quickly with acceptable interest rate. Minimum and maximum period for repayment from 65 days to 2 years. Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for users with height credit score is from 4.99% to 35.00%.
Download Quick Money for android
EZLoans – Borrow Money App 2022 for android user
EZloans is a different kind of loan apps, this app doesn’t provide you with short-term or personal loan online, instead it provides a connecting service with free online lenders available That is to say, EZloans will help you find the right lenders for you in terms of amount of money you want to borrow, interest rates and repayment terms. In this app, you will find the ways to reliable lenders available online that could offer you online loans, personal loans, installment loans, payday loans and cash advance loans.
Payday Advance Loans: Instant Loan App
This borrow money app works the same way as Payday Loans app but add some more exclusive features like hep you find suitable lenders, borrow cash at good rates and get them instantly online. Also, in case that you worry about reliability of money source, this app will assist you to choose safe and secure lending option with fresh new layout and easy UX instruction. This is one of a few loan apps that will actually give you instant personal loan just a few taps on the screen.
Download Payday Advance Loans for android
Cash Money – Personal Loan App for ios user.
Most borrow money app are designed for android user, but Cash Money app is the one made for ios user. This loan app will help you locate the nearest cash money store and get quick cash online via Cash money app. If you are using Cash money loan service you can be assured about reliability because Cash money is one of the largest quick money, short-term loans and financial service based in Canada. For more information you can download Cash Money and discover yourself.
Download Cash Money App for ios